Wadi el-Mughara during Garrod's excavations, 1929-1934. Source: IAA Archives
Sites of Human Evolution
at Mount Carmel
The Nahal Ma’arot / Wadi el-Mughara Caves
UNESCO World Heritage Nomination
Client: Hof HaCarmel Regional Council & Carmel Drainage Authority
Location: Nahal Ma’arot, Israel
Mount Carmel is a notable landmark in the northern region of Israel. It is a twenty km long precipitous wall of dolomitic limestone, running from the Haifa Bay in the north to Zichron Yaakov and Binyamina in the south, rising steeply to about 500 metres above sea level.
A number of prehistoric sites of the Mount Carmel area, such as Kebara Cave, Misliya Cave, Nahal Oren, Raqefet Cave, and the submerged site of Atlit Yam, have been excavated and researched, their findings widely featured in local and international prehistoric dialogue. In particular, the site of Nahal Ma’arot/ Wadi el-Mughara Caves has long been considered a ‘yardstick’ for studying world prehistory and represents a cultural and natural heritage site with significant global interest.
The site of Nahal Ma’arot / Wadi el-Mughara Caves was inscribed as World Heritage Site in June 2012. Our practice was responsible for structuring, coordinating stakeholder’s contributions, writing, and editing the submission dossier in close cooperation with Regional Council Hof Carmel, Haifa University’s Zinman Institute of Archeology, and the Israel World Heritage Committee.

Shkul IV, V, VII and IX in situ at Skhul terrace during Garrod's excavations. Source IAA Archives