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Conferences & Exhibitions
We took part in various conferences and exhibitions over the years where our projects were presented:

Excuse me, what garden is it? 2023
A series of short talks on the roles of gardens in public space. The green windows: Architects Ruth Liberty-Shalev and Adi Har Noy talk about the research they conducted on which the exhibition The Urban Block Gardens is based.

The Urban Block Gardens - Liebling Haus 2022-2023
The exhibition reveals the White city's unique landscape scheme designed 100 years ago by the town planner of Tel Aviv, Patrick Geddes.

ICOMOS TheoPhilos ISC Conference ‘Public Spaces in Historic Citiesץ March 9-10, Florence, Italy, 2023
Green Blocks in the White City: Rediscovering the Block Gardens of Patrick Geddes’s plan for Tel-Aviv (plenary talk)

The forum for conservation in local authorities - renewal versus conservation, 2023
Documentation and issues in urban renewal - Kiraon neighborhood, Kiryat Ono

Architecture and tradition in the Negev, Arad Contemporary Art Center, 2023
Lecture by Arch. Ruth Liberty-Shalev: The challenge of transforming tradition into relevant architectural design

ONLINE Seminar “Adaptive reuse of former Jewish heritage buildings”, May 11-12, Mantova, Italy, 2021
Change and Continuity in Two Synagogues

Gallery talk: 'A City at the Service of Propaganda', POLIN Museum, Warsaw, Poland 2019
A part of the temporary exhibition 'Gdynia - Tel Aviv' (invited participant), POLIN Museum, Warsaw, Poland

The Geddes Block Garden (invited plenary lecture) at MODERN CITIES FORUM conference , 2019
'From Modern to Contemporary: Practices in Preserving Architectural Legacy of the 20th Century, based on the Tel Aviv Document for the Modern Cities', September 12–13 2019, Kaunas & Vilnius, Lithuania.

Jane’s Walk Haifa - Haifa East Train Station, 2017
The connection between the establishment of Haifa's train station to the development of the city.
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