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Buffer Zones
at World Heritage Sites In Israel
Research & Policy
Client: Israel Antiquities Authority
Location: Israel
A study concerning the practical application of Buffer Zones in Israeli World Heritage Sites was commissioned by the Israeli Antiquities Authority in 2014, aiming to identify gaps between the intended meaning of these areas vs. their definitions and use by the planning authorities and in actual development on and around these sites.
The study attempts to chart the efficacy of World Heritage buffer Zones in Israel and the roles assigned to them as they are translated into statutory and local protection measures.
בניין הטיל לצידו שרידי מסגד אל גריינה העיר התחתית חיפה_מקור ויקימדיה
טבלה השוואתית מסכמת
חלוקה לאזורי חיץ עירוניים ולאזורי חיץ בט
טבלה השוואתית מסכמת
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