Beit Alfa
Historic Farmyard
Documentation & Design
Client: Beit Alfa
Location: Beit Alfa, Israel
Program: Visitor center, archive, gallery, cafe, outdoor playground
670 sqm built + 8,100 sqm site landscaping
In collaboration with Arch. Adi Har-Noy
The Historic Farmyard project, commissioned by Kibbutz Beit Alpha in 2020, includes the documentation and a preliminary design Proposal for the conservation and re-use of the original dairy (1927) & stable (1930) buildings within their surroundings in the historic kibbutz farmyard.
The proposed design proposed to transform the historic farmyard into an active cultural space for local inhabitants and visitors. The renovated dairy will house a gallery for local artists and a café, while the stable will house the kibbutz archives and a multi-purpose room on ground floor, and a visitors center on the 2nd floor. The plan also includes a re-design of the open spaces of the farmyard, and the installation of a playground, an archaeological garden, paths and parking areas.